The eCaller medical rescue in a flash


NOTE : The eCaller solution  handles  urgent medical conditions  that are not life threatening . For life threatening cases ,call 999 NOTE : The eCaller solution  handles  urgent medical conditions  that are not life threatening . For life threatening cases ,call 999  NOTE : The eCaller solution  handles  urgent medical conditions  that are not life threatening . For life threatening cases ,call 999          

The express Caller solution simply described as eCaller gives patients access to a face to face medical care at the comfort of your home. It can best be described as an Uber for Healthcare.

Complimentary Service: It is vital to note that eCaller solution has a value strategy to handle urgent but not life threatening medical  conditions ,thereby decongesting 999 calls for health emergencies as statistics show that 3 out of 5 emergency(999) calls are not life threatening .  Hence the eCaller solution is majorly a complimentary service to NHS.

We’ve watched the demand on medical Emergency Departments  in the UK increase 5-10% year-upon-year and we became increasingly concerned about what that means for patients in the UK. With over 80% of Londoners  carrying a smartphone, we figured we could change the norm positively by getting  doctor’s help out of the hospital or after-hours clinic and deliver it where and when you need it.

Our service is based on respect and caring for others – that’s why we’re in healthtech industry  after all – but we’re also channelling creativity and ingenuity.” We understand that it can be hard to decide when, where, and from whom to seek urgent health care and that’s when eCaller becomes useful.

Black general practitioner measuring blood pressure of a senior

We provide you with access to urgent medical advice and treatment in a way that is convenient, timely, and authentic. Our service marries the care of a Home service and convenience of modern technology.

When illnesses, accident or injury strike it’s usually unexpected and distressing, which compounds and makes those decisions even harder. The eCaller is here to bring relief in such panic situations.

Modern technology, innovation and circumstance have all accelerated a shift, and advanced how healthcare is delivered to patients. The eCaller solution makes quality healthcare more accessible with so much more convenience at the home of the patient. Private Health providers  can now collaborate more effectively ,supporting patients at the comfort of their home.

Medic Platform

eCaller ……medical rescue in a flash

All our medical professional are licensed to practice in the UK,couple with the rigorous scrutiny given to each medic  registered on the eCaller platform. Moreso, all eCaller doctors are registered in  the UK General Medical Council, the umbrella body for  the regulation and setting of standards for doctors in the UK.

Most of our doctors, paramedics and nurses are the same trusted health practitioners you will meet in the consulting rooms and emergency departments. All eCaller doctors agree to the following duties;

  1. Giving top-notch care service to improve and maintain patient health status.
  2. Treating the patients with respect of their right to confidentiality and privacy.
  3. Maintain the trust of colleagues and patients, being empathetic to both.

The eCaller doctors are one big family called the eCaller Family.  They can communicate with one another and assist each other in various medical diagnosis and treatment. At eCaller, we believe all good doctors have the following features:

  • They are empathetic and make patients feel cared for.
  • They are good communicators.
  • They are organized and conscientious.
  • They are curious and resourceful
  • They are collaborative with high teamwork spirit.
  • They are persistent in advocating for their patients.
  • They have great bedside manner 

Patient Platform

eCaller ….. medical rescue at your doorstep

With eCaller solution, a patient is only a few minutes away from a suitable Clinician consultation.We help sick Londoners  with trusted medical care quickly and conveniently at the comfort of the patien’s home.The eCaller solution is available to patients requiring  urgent medical interventation 24hours of the day, 7days of the week and 365 days of the year.

In a rare case of software failure enroute to the patient location, the patient can call the eCaller Medic to give the necessary  directions to the location of patient.

For synchrony of medical care, medical notes will be shared with your General Practitioner, this ensures continuity of care between your regular GP  and eCaller Clinician as a complimentary and  trusted health provider. If you don’t want these  notes shared with you regular Clinician, please advise the eCaller medical personnel  and your medical notes will not be passed on,except in cases of vital importance.

Regarding insurance policy, eCaller  personnel attends to patients with cash payments only as insurance considerations are not available in the eCaller platform. As a patient or user ,your insurance strategy will be to deposit a reasonable amount of funds in your wallet to gurantee a seamless engagement of a medical personnel .

Firthermore, the eCaller platform grants the patient the liberty to select a specialist doctor of his or her choice. The doctor of choice may supervise intricate components of the services provided and make due referrals as the case may be.

It is our ultimate aim to provide all patients with the highest possible quality and standard of care and we urge patients to cooperate with the personnel and application for a blissful experience. 

Our Services

With eCaller you can see a doctor anytime and anywhere

Our patients are at the heart of everything we do. The eCaller solution has a group of medical personnel that deliver outstanding patient care in the following categories:

1. ALLERGIES:  Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Rashes, Itchy skin respiratory problems, coughs, cold and flu,etc

2. DIGESTIVE DISORDERS ; Constipation, Diarrhea, Digestive Problems, Food Poisoning, Gastritis, Gastroenteritis, Heartburn, Indigestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Kidney Stones, Norovirus, Stomach Ulcers, etc

3. EAR, NOSE & THROAT; Ear Infections, Ear Problems, Eye Problems, Hearing Loss, Headaches and Migraines, Swimmer’s Ear, Tinnitus, etc

4. SKIN INFECTIONS : Acne, Allergic Reactions, Cellulitis, Dry Skin, Eczema/dry skin, Fungal Skin Infection, Hives, Herpes (Cold Sores), Impetigo, Intertrigo, Itchy Scalp, Itchy Skin, Lumps, Psoriasis, Ringworm etc

5. WOUNDS: Abrasions, Excoriation, Skin tears, Avulsions, Lacerations, Bites, Stings, Stab wounds , Punctures, etc.

6. BONES FRACTURES: Stable fracture ,Open (compound) fracture, Transverse fracture, Oblique fracture, Comminuted fracture.

7. BONE DISLOCATIONS: Shoulder dislocation, Ball & joint dislocations, dislocated knee,  hip dislocation elbow dislocation, Ankle Dislocation etc

8. FALLS  : Step, Slip, Trip, Stump, unanticipated, Right-side fall, Backward fall, Front-side fall ,etc

9. BURNS: Superficial(1st degree),  partial thickness (2nd degree),Scalds

10. RESPIRATORY: Colds ,Flu, Asthma ,Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Fibrosis , Sinusitis, Pharyngitis, Epiglottitis etc

11. GENERAL: Labour pains,Animal Bites,Acid bath,Mental  cases, Drug & Alcohol related ailments


As emphasized severally, all life threatening cases  require a call to the  emergency number,999. If the eCaller medical personnel notices such conditions,  quick referral & evacuation to the closest EDs should be effected.
Some of the life threatening cases are:
  1. Bleeding that will not stop
  2. Breathing problems acute shortness of breath
  3. Change in mental status with extreme violence
  4. Severe Chest pain with discomfort lasting more than three minutes .
  5. Choking with vomiting blood
  6. Fainting or loss of consciousness
  7. Feeling of committing suicide or murder
8. Head or spine injury with bleeding
9.Severe or persistent vomiting
10.Vehicle accident with unconsciousness
11.Very deep & large wound
12.Sudden dizziness & Weakness
13.Sudden Swelling of the face, eyes, or tongue
14.Sudden Bluish skin color (cyanosis)
15.Etc, etc, etc

Training Programs

The place of routine  trainings & retraining cannot be over emphasized . To that effect, training care staff helps instill the necessary behaviours, attitudes, skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality, cautious and person centered care. These trainings help them the medics  take the right steps to prevent risk occurring and also prepares them to respond correctly should a risk emerge in the course of delivering health  care.

Through training, medical staff can learn new skills and knowledge especially in Emergency Medicine that will help them to provide better and urgent care for their patients. The eCaller personnel  can also develop a greater sense of professionalism and confidence, which can lead to improved job satisfaction and retention rates. In addition, by investing in the development of their staff, the eCaller Group  can improve the overall quality of care they provide, leading to better patient outcomes.

The unique training program tagged Primary Emergency Care is aimed to equip the eCaller medical personnel with the theoretical knowledge, practical ability, and interpersonal skills for independent Emergency Medicine practice.

In addition, medical personnel can receive training in a variety of other areas, such as Information & Computer Technology, Computer informatics, basic administration, policies and procedures, customer service, workflow analysis and data analysis, and research,  positioning the medics  to provide  outstanding services.

eCaller Advantage

The advantages of eCaller over other clinics, hospitals and other health facilities cannot be over-emphasized. Some advantages are highlighted below:

1. The eCaller solution lowers significantly the pressure on the NHS A & E Clinics, thereby allowing the Ambulance paramedics to attend to only serious and life threatening medical cases.

2. The eCaller solution averts the discomfort of taking treatment from outside the comfort of one’s home

3. The eCaller solution lowers the risk of hospital related complications & infections such as Pneumonia, Respiratory tract infections, Covid 19 ,TB, Flu etc.

4. The eCaller lowers  the No of out-of-hour calls to General Practitioners.

5. The eCaller process of getting medical attention saves time,  energy  and money.

6. It is a faster, easier and seamless way to see a  doctor for medical intervention.

7. The double encryption layers of eCaller system mitigates threats that come with encrypting data and gives user an assurance that their information remains safe and private

8. Unlike other Telehealth services with virtual consultations, the eCaller in-person care allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the patients’ health,

9. It is a fact that many health diagnosis are not covered by virtual appointments ,hence the eCaller solution becomes a veritable option combining technology and physical examination in a comfortable environment.

10. Face-to-face visit as a unique feature of the eCaller solution guarantees valuable Doctor-Patient relationship .

11. Face-to-face visits are generally advantageous for young children as children communicate less about their health needs.

12. The escrow payment platform of the eCaller solution ensures payments are released only after satisfactory administration of treatment to patient.

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